I’m assuming you want me to remove the wifi dongle before plugging it in to the router via Ethernet cable?

I’m using free Spotify

With the USB dongle removed and the speaker plugged into my router via Ethernet cable I can airdrop to the speaker and listen to music on my phone or use music apps on my phone. I cannot access the speaker UI when I go to it’s ip address (nothing loads) so I cannot say if the radio stations in the ui come in choppy or not.

With the USB dongle in and speaker hardwired to router, I get the same as above. The wifi dongle is not flashing it’s blue light like usual, and I cannot log into its ip.

I powered down th speaker, disconnected the Ethernet cable, left the USB dongle connected and restarted. The speaker now shows up in my wifi options on my phone and I can connect to it and access my music USB, play and adjust volume as I have in the past. When I go to the home screen where radio stations are normally listed, there are none, as though the speaker is not connected to the internet. It also no longer shows up in my phone to airdrop to.

So it seems it acts either like a plain speaker which I can access and play the on-board music OR it acts as an airdrop speaker I can use to play music and apps from my phone. It doesn’t have the functionality to access web radio from the UI like it could yesterday so I have no idea if it’s choppy or not. Of the forms of playback it is able to do, seems clear. But now I don’t know how to turn it back into a unit I can airdrop to....

Last edited by Timmeh; 12/18/18 11:11 PM.