Thanks for all the great ideas! My wife mentioned the beanbags and I will prob get one or two for my nieces and nephew. I do like the bar idea, I'll have to see how much space I have once the floor is finished and I bring my couch down. It's a good way to hide that sump as well. The couch is only temporary, we are replacing it in my living room with a lovesac sectional, so it's getting repurposed while I throw money at HT equipment. I plan on placing it around the 9-10' mark.

On a side note, I started painting yesterday. I managed to put the first coat up on two walls. I plan on doing more today and fixing any imperfections with a little spackle.

I also called a few people for drop ceiling quotes and started thinking about my speaker setup. Atmos or no atmos...

I'll post some pictures of the progress tomorrow....