Well, I did not accomplish much in the basement the last two weeks. I started installing the ceiling speakers only to find out the brackets I bought from monoprice were a hair too small. I tried grinding them down, but it was taking way to long. Thankfully, I work at a large votech school with a manufacturing program and they shaved off a 1/8" using a HAAS CNC mill. Nothing like fixing a $6 part on a $70k machine. I thought the label the students added was a nice touch...haha.

The speakers now fit like a glove. The bracket was on the end of the grid, so I tied it to the beams with a little 14ga drop ceiling wire for extra support. Speaker felt solid and it didn't even compress the soft tile when I tightened it. Overall I'm super happy with how it turned out. This weekend I will attempt to install the rest of them.

I also need to decide if I am painting them black or not. Has anyone had experience painting the axiom speakers? Especially the grills? I am thinking a small roller should do the trick. I might try it out tomorrow.

Oh and my week off wasn't a complete waste. Had fun with the family in Cape May and managed to upgraded every single light switch in my house to z-wave. Only shocked myself three times too! Haha.

Last edited by mikecoscia; 04/22/17 01:16 AM.