This is a reply to "Cork." There is a function here called "ignore." I have exercised this function in regards to you. That being said, perhaps you need to take under advisement critical thinking skills. I stated that those who were insulting 2x6 "could" have just ignored him instead of chasing him away. Note that I didn't make a demand, nor even say "should." The word was "could," as in a choice. The choice was made to demean 2x6, and he has left the forum. He and I shared some information from the NIH that demonstrated that he was being quite accurate in his assessment of the situation in the USA. He graciously responded in an affirmative manner about the information, while also informing that he was "pretty much done" with forums.

2x6 has made his choice to leave, and it was for the same reason dozens of others have. Fortunately for Ian, there are lively, friendly places for Axiom owners to chat. Ian has neither the time, nor inclination, to follow this forum.

In this case, 2x6 was demonstrating a happy, grateful post about what he sees as people fighting for their freedom. The responses were, despite what the responders insisted was different, a direct attack on 2x6 and his position. The people 2x6 was championing were called "deadbeats," and the conversation devolved from that point.

This attacking style started here in 2005, and the forum has declined ever since. It has not hurt the Axiom business model, this decline. All that happened was a lot of people who used to love coming to a friendly place have gone elsewhere.

Enjoy what is left of this forum.