Provocateur? Moi?!?

I think this flow chart worked perfectly for my wife, who is not a gamer and has friends. She has expressed interest in a Wii. Voila, the chart works!

I have a PS3, however, and I'm not buying what it says about me. I would think that I should have bought a 360 if I followed the chart, in that I am not really a gamer and have you guys as my internet friends.

Waitaminnit ...

This means that you are not really my friends?!? I should have known this about Ken, of course - he'd always be the first one I'd boot off the island. But even Peter and Tom? Jack?! Mark?!? OMG!!!

I need a few days to process this! I'll be back when the wounds are healing - maybe ...


Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.