So yesterday, I'm out kayaking and stop into a beach to rest, eat lunch and have a swim. While I'm swimming I see a couple going by in a pair of sit-on-top kayaks. Something caught my eye as being funny on the girls kayak. At first I thought her feet were just sticking up near the bow but that would have given her insanely long legs. Then, what I thought were maybe feet moved from side to side. No feet should move like that!! It almost looked like something alive.

So I swim out to get closer, trying not to appear too obvious about my curiosity. Sure enough, there was a fairly large lizard of some kind riding happily along on the front of her boat. Her unnaturally twisting toes were actually this creatures head looking side to side.

First, I wondered if it could swim. Then, when it turned its pokey eyes to stare at me, I mainly wondered if it could swim faster than I could.

They waved & said "hi" and I said "hi" as if I see lizards every day and then I swam back to shore. It became a very surreal experience, I have to say.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.