An aftermarket internet vendor of cross over modifications takes the time to develop a cross over network using premium components for Axiom speakers. No long time member has auditioned any modified Axiom speaker.

Nevertheless, without the benefit of any information, other than a post by a newbie and another by the owner of Ninja, the Axiom mob has gathered to welcome Ninja Skiing.

The Ninja guy says he'll send some of his cross-overs to Ian, and Ian graciously agrees to give the man's efforts a fair hearing and the mob laughs.

By and large, this website has become a rude forum for anyone who does not share the consensus audio opinions - cabling makes no difference, speaker wire, interconnects, terminations, no difference, all solid state amplifiers sound the same, tube output audio devices are "distortion generators," (thanks Alan for that one), frequency response curves tell you everything you need to know about whether a speaker is worth listening to, recognized high quality capacitors and resistors used in cross-over networks have no appreciable effect on sound quality, etc.

"I can't imagine why anone would want to change the sound of my M22's." Axiom speakers are terrific. I own them, I recommend them. But, sit down folks, they are not the best sounding speakers available. They may be among the best for the price, but the absolute best? No.

Among the differences between Axioms and the best in class is the relative quality of components - drivers, cross over network design, caps and resistors used in the networks, drivers, tweeters, cabinet design, voicing, etc.

So, here comes Ninja, who has taken the trouble to massage some Axioms with a new x-over network, and ... what can you say? You should be proud of the welcome you have given him.

Maybe his x-over efforts result in a better sounding Axiom speaker, maybe his efforts have no appreciable effect on SQ, maybe worse, but instead of waiting to hear any results of his efforts, you mock him. Snake Oil!!

The Axiom orthodoxy of John K, KCarlie, and pmbuko and others has evolved into a brittle, nasty voice and threaten to turn this site into a hostile forum.

It's nice to know that someone who has honored Axiom speakers by developing a new x-over network and offering aftermarket upgrades to Ian for testing, has received such a fair hearing.

He may be surprised by the reception he has received. Enjoy your popcorn. As for me - I'm looking forward to hearing more about your efforts Ninja.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.