I was asked by someone here to give an update to my situation, well, there isn't much to update people on. Especially with the holidays, things are moving slow. I've managed to throw my resume out to a whopping total of 4 jobs that I've found in my area (other employers) that I am qualified for, but my main focus has been on finding something with my current employer.

I did, however, get an "forward of a forward of a blind carbon copy" of an email sent by a very respected (and vocal) person within my company who, to make his long story short, basically said that it would be irresponsible for my company to let me go when there are other things that I am a key player in besides this one account that is going away. He even recommended me for a possible promotion (to officially do a job that I have been doing 80% of already) with 2 other customer accounts who should be ready to go just after the first quarter.

I've also heard something similar through the grapevine about other folks putting in some good words, but it still comes down to the one man at the top of my management chain and his decision. So it is encouraging, yet nothing official has been sent to me to say that it is looking at all positive from his point of view.

Anyway, now I have to go in to the office today (on my day off) and do all of the "last day" stuff for my last tech that has been with me. We will have to clean out the rest of our office (since it is on the customer site) and lock up shop for the last time. I think that it is going to hit kind of hard later today. Maybe I'll just have to start the New Years festivities early today!

Farewell - June 4, 2020