Well, I haven't updated anyone here in some time.

While I read the forums multiple times a day, being unemployed has had this strange effect on me that I just find it hard to participate like I used to in my hobbies. I really miss giving advice, tips, tricks, smart-alec comments, and so forth.

Anyway, it is closing in on the end of month 6 and still no job.

I do have a very good prospect in the works right now though. Today I had my 5th interview for a job. I would be working for an outsourcing company but at one of their customer sites. While I won't go into the details of the job, I would be traveling quite a bit for the first six months to places that I have never been to like Little Rock, Cincinnati, St Petersburg, Los Angeles, Charlotte as well as some places that I have been to like Atlanta, New York, and Denver.

Good thing is that it would only be about a $5000 a year pay cut (vs. the possible $25,000 pay cut I was facing with another position), the bad part is that it would still require a move. I would need to move to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, which is where I lived for a couple of years about 10 years ago. It isn't a *bad* place at all, but just less than ideal. Then again, any move is "less than ideal".

The interview today was where the outsourcing company presented me as their choice for the project, so things are looking pretty good, but until the contract is signed, and until they actually offer the job, I am trying to not get my hopes up too much.

Anyway, that is the latest.

Farewell - June 4, 2020