I'm in a similar situation, with the exception that my current position is stable. I've been asked (and accepted) to become a part of a new research group. The problem is that the group will be based in a northern suburb of Atlanta. Luckily, the wife is fairly open to relocation due to living in hurricane alley. However during a recent trip to Atlanta, she discovered that the grass isn't necessarily greener, just more manicured, if you will. So now she's back to wanting to stay in LA... Even more luckily, the groups first project is based in the plant I'm currently working in, so it wouldn't make sense to move now. However, if asked to move to keep the core group in a central location, I think I'd be hard pressed to say no since I'm the primary bread winner. Our kids are a bit older than Nick's, with the oldest a Sophomore now. I'm good with moving the family anytime before the next school year starts, but very reluctant to move a Junior, or worse, a Senior.

I hope it all works out for the best for you Nick, it's not an easy position to be in.

