
But as you said Bob.. The owner before me probably went with the lesser price[...] To justify it by saying that they charged less so what did the customer expect is a bit of a crock. it's like GM saying that the customer should have known better in buying their cars with a faulty ignition switch rather than paying more and getting a mercedes benz. They paid less so why should they expect to get something that works properly and not kill them.

Oh, no, Matt. I'm not justifying it. It is just the unfortunate reality. I see horror shows of everyone's making; the DIYers, "weekend-pros," designers, contractors, sub-contractors (now there's some fun shit---especially their temps) and everyone in between. It's all about greed and everyone's guilty. It's an ugly food chain.

And just forget about the kind of work property inheritors want you to do and for how little money, since they just want to sell while the market's good. I may so "No," but there will always be someone to say "Yes" to anything for a bit of geld.

Ever bought a Chinese made, off-brand tool that broke upon first use? Do you know how many of them were sold and will never be returned?

ALL wood products get noticeably suckier every 3 or 4 years,
oil paint's illegal (and the replacements are not yet up to snuff), crappier screws, and on and on.

And finally, let's not forget the trades man's assistant(s), one of whom may have visited (or visited upon) your house one time. That'd be the guy the former home owner got billed for @ $57 p.h., when he was probably being paid $22.

That ignition switch problem, "pride" issue? Nope. Money.

Does the buyer of a Fiat know that the Audi or Mercedes is likely a safer "choice?"

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.