Originally Posted By: exlabdriver
I confess that I've never Texted, Sexted, Tweeted, Twittered, Twattled or whatever in a car or out.

I don't even carry a cell phone 99.9% of the time. It is the lowest end free one with no data plan that the phone company gave us.

I mostly dislike phones of all kinds as most conversations in my life seem to be unimportant, unending telemarketing or needless chit chat. Furthermore, phones have an uncanny habit of ringing at the most inopportune time (use your imagination) & far too often interrupt my afternoon nap.

I do believe that I'm becoming a grumpy old phart...


I have a new Samsung Galaxy S5, but find that I use it for a lot of things that have nothing to do with phone calls.

With that said, if I could have it my way, I would not have a cell phone at all. I have been too accessible to too many years.

Being in professional IT for over 20 years, I have had to carry some sort of pager, cell phone, or other electronic device so that I can be at someone's beck and call. I hate that. At any given moment (usually when on vacation, in bed sleeping, etc) someone in some other time zone will call my cell phone for something that is not critical. Or they will text me because they are too lazy to call my office phone just to tell me that they are running late or are sick... This tends to happen by someone on the east coast when I happen to be in Los Angeles for work and it is like 3:30am. Thanks for waking me up to tell me something that I don't need to do anything about or can't help with. To top it off, these are people that KNOW (or at least have been told) that I am traveling or that I am on vacation.

I did discover last night that my Galaxy S5 does have a privacy mode where I can turn off all calls/texts during certain times. I think that I am going to do that when I am on vacation now. Maybe I will turn it on from the moment that I leave the office until I get back to the office the next time I am on vacation. Yeah.... I should do that.

Farewell - June 4, 2020