There was a company a few years back that was working on a cell phone "jamming" device that would jam all cell phone signals within a 6 foot radius from the center of the passenger area of a car when the car was in motion.

Never made it to market...

Another one was a cell phone that would disable text capabilities when it (not necessarily while in a car) was moving faster than someone running. Never happened either.

The main issues were that these would disable usability for passengers in the car as well and not just the driver.

If I ever have to text when driving, I will wait for a stop light and use speech to text to get the message on to the phone and sent, and then I can still be aware of my surroundings, pull over, or just call the person. I used to text while driving, and while I would spend more time looking at the road than at the screen even while texting, I never felt comfortable doing it because there were several times where even though I was driving fine, another driver might be doing something stupid, and had I been engrossed into the text message, I would never have seen them being dumb.

Farewell - June 4, 2020