Originally Posted By: exlabdriver
I confess that I've never Texted, Sexted, Tweeted, Twittered, Twattled or whatever in a car or out.

I don't even carry a cell phone 99.9% of the time. It is the lowest end free one with no data plan that the phone company gave us.

I mostly dislike phones of all kinds as most conversations in my life seem to be unimportant, unending telemarketing or needless chit chat. Furthermore, phones have an uncanny habit of ringing at the most inopportune time (use your imagination) & far too often interrupt my afternoon nap.

I do believe that I'm becoming a grumpy old phart...


TAM, After reading your first thoughts, I arrived at your last and LOL'd as if it had come straight from the Department of Redundancy Department.

FYI, only the French spell "fart," "phart," so, at first, I didn't know what you meant.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.