Originally Posted By: Seeking

If you feel like the 606 is more than enough to drive these speaks, then I am more than willing to pull the trigger. I just had my reservations, being somewhat new to this and all.

While not perfect this discussion and calculator below will give you some idea of how amp power relates to loudness and what’s considered normal for various types of music.



So roughly a pair of m60s (93dB in room efficiency) at 11” could play on your 606 at 80dB with 10dB of headroom for dynamic peaks. Now I’m not going to say that more headroom wouldn't help some but I would wait until you decide if you need more power to buy it. Speakers technology isn’t going to suddenly take a leap however, the electronics side is rapidly changing so IMO your better off getting the speaker you want and worry about upgrading the electronics when you really feel you need to.

This talks about noise levels and exposure time for hearing loss. Keep in mind European guidelines are more strict. Also the frequency is also a factor but I would worry about that if your already near the damage threshold.


Last edited by grunt; 12/14/09 07:07 AM.

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