
Most of you have noticed by now that I post rarely...

I try to help only when I feel qualified or have information that may assist it on topic or off topic.

I rarely take a major stand primarily because I don't feel that I should have to.

The prospect of a code of conduct (as has been mentioned) cuts both ways...but the primary point is that it is only valid as those willing to adhere to it.

I have sat back and watched the trolls come in and ravage our forum...

I have seen usually logical members lose their cool and in essence, (in this case) the troll has been able to reproduce by forcing (or enabling) someone to stoop to their level and so the carnage ensues.

I have seen people sign on with the intent of maliciously "stirring the pot" to get their jollies.

I have seen well meaning members attempt to mediate (most times to no avail) in hopes of regaining some semblance of civility to the forum.

I guess what I am trying to say is this:

My dearly departed Mother (within the last two years) tried to instill in myself and my four siblings as well as the numbers of foster children cared for, this one simple idiom:

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything"

As simplistic as this may sound, it is valid for this discussion.

Sometimes it is as simple as biting your tongue and keeping your mouth (or keyboard in this case) closed.

This applies to all who have been considered trolls as well as those who unintentionally feed these trolls...even by trying to break things up.

We all are human...

We all have a passion for some it is more declared than others...

We all have (more often than not) differing opinions about a myriad of topics.

Bottom line: Think before you type.

If you feel incensed about a topic, sleep on it and revisit it tomorrow...


It is only an Internet discussion group...

Your life does not depend on your opinion or anyone else's being in the forefront.

A troll not fed usually dies of boredom.

I do not write this to offend anyone and pray I have not...if so you have my sincerest apologies.

It is what it is.


"Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup..."