I responded to Genetic in this last incident and wonder if I should have. It certainly CAN perpetuate things. I felt like he was insulting friends of mine and that it was uncalled-for and one sided.

I really have to agree with Jack, though. Sometimes it's just plain ole' wrong to NOT rebut wrong information.

I think the key is that yes, you DO refute or disagree with something that is untrue, misleading, or one-sided (and attempting to squash alternative opinions). But when it DOES stoop to the level as it did here, the responses can't be personal (as I admit to doing this last time).

Whenever things resort to name-calling, it's time to hit that "notify moderator" button. It's unacceptable and WILL reflect on us as well to let it denigrate an then be available for months and years for others to read.. If the moderator than deletes that post or thread, it will be expunged from future viewers and attendees. In the example I gave earlier, it's comparable to removing the graffiti and telling the person to run along. If it happens again, they're out for not playing by the rules.

It might be likened to an attitude of "don't throw the first punch". Respond factually with an alternate viewpoint. If the other person throws a punch, notify the moderator

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::