Thanks Trever.

One of the reasons this project is taking forever is that I want to understand what I'm doing before I do it. Even then I end up discovering stuff on the job, have to stop, think, or even research before moving on. I'll redo steps if that's what it takes to get it done right.

(Side note: Some of my clients value this as they know if they put me on the job it will be done right. Others don't as it takes me too long compared to the other guy who often does the job half ass.)

Right now, I'm committed to finishing this room as quickly as I can. The end is in sight (at least for phase 1) and it has taken way longer than expected.

The rest of this is just my thoughts on "experts" -- and has more to do with hiring people to do this for you.

Pro's who really know and have done it many times can get it right the first time. They know what's important to check before moving to the next step. Even then mistakes are made which the good ones will correct ... unfortunately, some will just move forward as time is money. Others (like my builder) will tell you they know when in reality they know less than you do. I think my builder actually thought he knew.

Over the years I have learned to distrust "experts", in all fields, till they proved themselves. Very few of them like it if a client wants to discuss how something should be done. So, if it's important to me, I tend to want to do it my self or at least know enough to understand what's going on. I actually find accumulating all this diverse knowledge interesting and fun. At least it keeps me out of trouble smile