I agree with your general statement about the US giving but not receiving. While it isn't 100% true in all cases, the amount outgoing is way more than the amount incoming (unless you talking about illegal aliens entering the country and getting healthcare and governement financial support, but that is a different story). I am not talking just about money, but people support... People to help clean up, aid the sick and injured, rebuild. There will be some, and those people will probably get a few minutes in the spotlight because they will be so few that the reporters will be able to single them out pretty easily.
They won't be doing it for the publicity, they will be the true humanitarians. But why not more? Why won't other countries send help? I don't know. While not everyone in the world agrees with the United States' government, we are all still people.

I couldn't go and help out after the tsunami, but I gave money to groups that could. We are not weathly. I have a wife and 2 kids with just me working. Sure, compared to many other countries everyone on this forum would be considered weathly, but we don't have funds to go out to eat, our cars are getting pretty old, we don't wear the latest fashions, go out for concerts, pro-sporting events, or other larger ticket events. We just can afford to. But we can afford to give. Even my 11 year old daughter, who gets no allowance found that she could dig up $20 in spare change that she had been saving for years to donate to help the tsunami. Now that it is here in our own "back yard," I feel that we will have to try to come up with even more to cover the lack of support that we won't get from other countries.

If you are from another country, or even the US, and you don't give, that is your right. I will not think any worse of you as it would be obvious that you have your own life emergencies and situations that don't allow for you to give. I've been there myself in the past. But if you can give anything, I am sure that there will be a whole group of organizations that will come forth that you can easily donate money to, no matter what currency you use.

Farewell - June 4, 2020