You can't be serious, craigsub. Unless her actions are a result of senility -- and I suppose there's a slight chance of that -- then I'll 'rip on her' when I feel she deserves it.

How she can possibly think the refugees are better off now is beyond comprehension. Maybe she has no grip on reality any more.

Try to imagine if Hillary Clinton's said that yes, US soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq risk their lives but most of them come from underprivileged backgrounds anyway, so this--this (*chuckles slightly*) is working very well for them because if they survive they won't have to go back to their trailer parks/barrios and the Federal government's hospitality saved them a lot of trouble anyway.
Imagine that -- Drudge, Fox, the Internet right wing thugs would burn her at the stake. And the so-called liberal media would likely follow suit. They'd turn Hillary's mom into this month's Cindy Sheehan -- innocent fodder for another media gangbang.