Foreign countries HAVE offered their assistance, but the US gov't has has advised most of them to wait until the situation is more under control. This "we're so effin' generous with our aid, so why isn't the world as generous when something happens to US?" attitude revolts me. The world DOES care. Open your eyes.

The saddest thing about this disaster is that the devistation was entirely predictable -- and in fact had been predicted years in advance -- and not enough was done to plan for or mitigate that eventual disaster. You can blame our corporate-like political system which rewards short-term changes far more than long-term foresight for this. Politicians play the odds. "It's not going to happen during MY term." It's simply not a priority to think about future generations.

OK, enough ranting.

Last edited by pmbuko; 09/02/05 12:21 AM.