The one thing I had to add from 10 seconds of exposure to CNN while picking up my extra house key from my parents'... one email sent into CNN sounded a bit like this discussion, but was a thumb in the eye to all other countries... went something like "Why aren't the Dutch here? They're supposed to be so good at building dikes... and the Bush family's Saudi buddies, we pulled their a**es out of the fire enough times, and the French, this city used to belong to them - oh, wait, they're French..."

Within that 10 second period I went from "oh, hell... what a mess" to "Self-righteous ******s, let 'em swim"... then you realize that that email wasn't sent by someone affected, but by some grizzled backwoods honeydipper with a Trans-Am with a big Amurican' eagle on 'er.

Our provincial hydro company (last I'd heard this afternoon) was told to hold off on support.

Bren R.