Hey all, I'm going to give a little more myself. Until the 15th of this month and perhaps longer, I'm going to give 25% from various products that I sell to the Red Cross. This is not a shameless plug so please don't bash me for it. My wife and I had a long chat about this last night. Being we are not wealthy people, I can only give so much cash, but what I can do is forgo the profit and then some on my power cords and donate it all to the Red Cross. I will personally be kicking in around 10% on every one sold. I also threw a few on E-Bay where 100% of the selling price will go to the Red Cross.

If this is out of line, let me know and I will email Amie to delete my post. Seeing as how AV123, Outlaw and others are doing it, I felt compelled to do it. I can't do it on the same scale, but at least it's something.

It should be noted that the 25% will be on non competing products from Axiom. Power cords etc. Those that are regulars here know that I don't promote my side business in these or any other forums and I'm not starting now......I just figured I needed to do a little more.