The early lessons I have drawn from this disaster so far, are:

#1 AS a society, we must no longer coddle criminals, turn a blind eye to deliberate social misfits, who have no interest in anything constructive, make excuses for any, and all bad behavior.......or we will have many, many, more "bad people" looting, and shooting at responders. We must at ALL times, fairly enforce our laws, or Eventually, they will be EVERYWHERE, lurking in the shadows, waiting to make any bad situation worse.

#2 AS a country, we need to produce more industrial goods to sell the world, as we used to generate the kind of economic might needed to quickly respond ($$$$$) to ANY tragedy......all we ever talk about in the economic vein, is our economy.... look how from the slightest thing... to a war, to a catastrophy effects it in a huge, negative way. (no wonder the terrorists target our economy with their attacks). we had better wake up, and quit telling the world we're a super power....until we get our "house of cards" economy on sure footing.

LIFE: "Choices, balance, and timing"
