Wow, what a thread. Some pretty disturbing comments, accusations and incredibly ridiculous assumptions going on here……never assume anything. There’s always three different sides to every situation and conversation.

In a time of crisis, I would have hoped that this audience would have the intelligence to weed out the crap and look at the situation from a broader perspective. There is always massive chaos during these times, regardless of the global location. This one just happens to be in the US.

I’m a project manager and am simply amazed at the progress made with regards to the N.O. relief effort. It’s not a simple thing to plan, coordinate and implement any project - of any size. For sake of simplicity, I’ll refer to all efforts in N.O. a project. This project is immense in size of incalculable proportions. It is incredibly complex and will involve more departments in government, more unique and specific crafts and trades, professions, organizations, companies, corporations, managers, supervisors, individual contributors than any one of us could ever possibly imagine. It’s mind blowing to me when I actually think about how I would manage something like this. You need to remove the emotions and really try to look at this differently to put things into perspective. Just take a moment and think about it as if you were in charge. And also take into consideration that rescue personnel are getting shot at!!!

All this banter about the US refusing aid is also made without looking at the situation without emotion. It takes one person to change a light bulb. Ten folks would only delay the work and cause confusion. Plus, wasted energy that can be put to better use elsewhere as needed. To rush into anything without direction and order will only create more chaos. You also need to remember that this country is at war with terrorist. Don’t you think they are currently planning and scheming to take advantage of this tragedy to only further their “cause”. You’re fools to think otherwise.

Media – all media is biased and only report what to them is “news worthy”, with their prejudices. None of them are accurate - none. To argue over which one is telling the truth is pointless. I served 85-91, and I’ve been there on the ground dodging bullets in numerous countries when the reporters were telling their tales and putting their twists on the events. We actually looked forward to some amusement when we’d sit down and watch the news coverage after the operation was complete. I’ve never, not once seen a news report or special on the discovery channel that was any where close to being accurate of the events that I was directly in the middle of.

And to rip on Craig for being specific with his monetary contribution was not called for. He mentioned the amount to quantify his sincerity and support, nothing more than that. The number wasn’t meant to make anyone feel inferior or to boast. It was a way for him to communicate the worth and personal sacrifice of his pledge to the relief effort. He’s a business man. Businessmen need to put a monetary number to everything for it to have meaning and a ranking to them. Others, such as a tradesman, communicate their worth and value in terms of what they do. They work with their hands, so when they communicate worth and value, it is in the way of “doing something”. So why the hell not tell everyone how much?? Everyone knows that he’s not living off food stamps and you all also should be big enough to admit that $20 isn’t going to make any of you live off rice and beans for two weeks. $20 would be insignificant to him, but I bet the 10K that he donated is a substantial hit to his family. He may have a sizable income, but he ain’t filthy rich either. If he was, do you think he’d be buying internet speakers? No, wealthy folks don’t buy on-line, they have things made for them just so they match the new gold slippers on their lap dogs with $500 hair cuts. I applaud him for donating that amount and only wish I could. Had he just stated that he made a donation, my thought would have been “so what, so did I”. The amount put substance behind it that I can understand and appreciate. If someone living from paycheck to paycheck who is having trouble buying school clothes for their kids told me $20, I would then think, “way to go, I know that hurt”. But if Craig were to have donated that, I’d say, “big deal you cheap bastard”.

If you got it to give, give – along with some prayer. If you don’t, then give your prayers. But please don’t bash those who can, and do give.