Peter, It was a fascinating read. My only problem with this is that the development started in 1879. The people of that area have profited for 126 years from this development.

Why is it the duty of people who live over 1000 miles away to be responsible to pay for New Orleans ? I am not talking the current relief effort, either. I am talking about what the populace of New Orleans and Louisana has done for over a century.

There will be more Monday morning Quarterbacking going on about this, which is pretty easy to do.

As for the response being done, There will be 40,000 National Guard troops on the scene by the weekend. The Navy is getting ships there ASAP. There are 1000's of volunteers driving/flying/boating relief, some being greeted with gunfire.

As for the Monday morning QB's, We know that the mayor of New Orleans warned people to leave on Saturday and ordered them to leave on Sunday.

Knowing what they know now, How many people in New Orleans would have left when first told to on Saturday ?

How many lives would have been saved had people listened to the warnings 48 hours before the Hurricane hit ?