Bob, after making such a big investment, playing brinksmanship with free advice is, well, short-sighted. Up to this point, you have gained nothing from this group compared to what you can gain now. There is a ton of experience with speakers, rooms, and M80's in particular that you could (in theory) tap at this point. Even assuming every M80 owner on this thread is a hired sales rep, the pro reviews tell you this speaker is pretty damn strong, so perhaps the problem is not the speaker, or is correctable. Maybe you just don't like them, maybe you are a plant for Polk Audio and never even ordered Axioms, who cares. The point is, if you remind everyone what you set up is, give some room sizes, figure out some peaks, etc., people would help you determine if the M80 just aren’t for you or if you just need to tweak the set up. Not sure what will happen if you just poke at people.

I guess you could call Axiom, they may help you. Or just box them up and turn in your forum password and mark the shipping cost as a learning experience. Good luck.

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire