Originally Posted By: mdrew

I’d pour a shot for the more “daring” individuals at my parties. Whatever the heck is in it is for real. I’ve never had anything that would mess me up like it, but maybe some Uzzo I had in Turkey about twenty years ago.... Everyone else who tried it said the same thing the next time I’d see them.

I probably still have that bottle of Everclear that in younger days I would offer the tough guy's to check out. One party, my room mates and I set a table near the front door where I sat with the er, beverage. I told most everyone who came thru the front door that they needed to take one shot as everyone else had (total BS ;o). Most called us on the BS. We really had fun when maybe the only one to take up the challenge was a friend we all knew who's ego held himself as being tough and could handle anything. He slammed down the shot of Everclear. We watched with bated breath as his face tightened, his eyes started to water and his face turn red. He'd be damned if he was going to show weekness! LOL \:D We all knew, hell was being paid down his throat etc. Ah, fond memories of my younger life! ;\)

Last edited by davekro; 02/28/09 12:06 AM.


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