Originally Posted By: Adrian
Yes, when you lose your sight, it is well documented that your hearing becomes much more acute.

And it is also well documented that Adrian has very 'cute' hearing...

Micah, hearing your excitement for your audition, revs me up more for mine! Sorry to say, though that mine is day after tomorrow, so I do not get as long a build up. :o( I guess I'll manage OK though.

Anyway, congrats on having a generous soul here volunteer to let you listen. But beware, if he is a serious M80 fanboy and you as much as pause before believing them to be awesome, he'll start feedin' you the hard stuff, until you do. But the fanboy code (yes they have one) is clear that the copious alcholhol must stop when said auditionee says: "I looove yooou maaaan!"

Seriously, very cool!


"In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they're not."