Originally Posted By: SRoode
[quote=Micah]As for the room characteristics, I feel they play almost as big a part (if not more) than the speakers themselves. The audition will be in my home theater which, although not perfect, is what I would consider an above average room for sound. Keep in mind that a non-treated room will result in a "brighter" sound.

I hate to see a thread turn cruel. This is not cool. Don't tease the poor guy! He is scared stiff that the M80s are too bright and shrill and harsh and scary and big and loud and... You are going to put him in a shockingly well setup room where the sound is surely first rate, ply him with top-shelf booze and 80's music and convince him this is what the M80s sound like. Then he is going to get his M80 and start a thread about how his M80s are shrill and don't get him drunk.

He should not be allowed in your room under any circumstances. He should be forced to listen to M80s in a square bunker like his room so he actually knows what to expect. He will never enjoy his M80s now...it will be a never ending search for sound like he heard that day in '09 when the m80s took him to a fairytale land.

I guess he could just buy an Absinthe kit to go along with the M80s, that might cure his problem, but not sure it will help his business prosper.

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire