Thanks Amie, for posting Andrew's very informative discussion on "What Does That Thing Do, Anyway", which many of us have been wondering about. This info and further details which are to come can certainly help prospective purchasers to be more confident and others of us to be able to suggest that it be seriously considered.

Just to put some numbers on the cancellation effect between the front and back drivers which Andrew pointed out as a flaw in some previous designs using a back driver array, a basic point is that two drivers playing the same frequency will partially cancel when separated by about half the wavelength of that frequency. The mid-range drivers in the LFR1100 are separated(from centers of their cones)about 25". The wavelength affected would be about 13,600(speed of sound in inches per second)/25, or about 540Hz. So, a partial cancellation would occur in the lower mid-range around 270Hz, with the effects Andrew described. The DSP processing compensates for this and other effects by modifying the frequency response of the back drivers.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.