Thanks guys.

If I could do it again I would not have spray foamed the ceiling like this. It isn't thick enough to do anything but air seal that area from above. I rationalised it in my head because we have hardwood floors on main. The screen half is directly under the dining area where the chairs skate around on the floor. That side is also where a dishwasher sits above. I have yet to do any real sound tests, but a quick "stomp, talk and scoot chairs while I'm down here" test revealed the sound was only muffled slightly. Still could hear easily... Oh well. At least our farts will stay down there I guess. laugh.

Today I have to jack hammer out the remaining 2" concrete pier and re-secure the existing wiring. We gained 4 1/4" of headroom under the beam. Now I have to decide if I want to sneak a duct alongside it or drop them in the double wall (which is now happening.)