Little progress today. I got shipping notification on my drivers from Solen so now I'm done with wait and see. laugh Tomorrow I might keep on going and see if I can't get the cabinets together without the front baffles. I have some sanding to do to make sure everything fits right for when the baffle gets clamped on.

Today I worked alone so I chose to glue, pin with brads, pre-drill then screw using 2" coarse thread drywall screws. These will likely be wrapped in the mystery meat I was referring to before- 1" Baltic Birch plywood. Score! It's not a done deal yet, but the options for staining with a real wood finish are exciting. I hope it works out. They will be ballpark 200lbs if it happens. lol.

Glue on base layers before spreading with foam

The before pile

The after pile