Spent most of the week tidying up loose ends and getting finishing elements in place. The floor divots have been patched. I found an awesome and convenient product by quickcrete. It is a zip bag with premixed cement and a putty knife attatched. Just add 300ml of water, zip closed and knead for 3 mins. Apply and tool. Throw the whole lot out when finished. No clean up! cool I also found some 5/8" foam backer rod in the weather stripping section to fill the crack under the base trim where carpet was slated. The intent is to fill this void so sound flanking doesnt occur. Kind of pointless to go all this way and have a weak gap around the entire floor perimeter. It cant hurt anyway I guess.

Wallplates. I'm not a fan of stereo wallplates. They are overpriced. They are usually cheaply made. I am forced to use them for tidyness in this case. They provide a clean, finished look. To minimise any reason to ever have to maintain the connection over time I recommend using an anti oxidization agent. When an electrical connection between dissimilar metals is made oxidization occurs. Gold plated connections arent bulletproof either. When copper or aluminum get an oxide film at a connection their conductivity is reduced. This can get to a dangerous point with aluminum conductors in higher voltages (120V+) and lead to heat and joint failures-- fire.

The neat thing about copper oxide film is it is actually fairly conductive and can be used as a superconductor under low temperatures, thanks internet. wink

Anyway, to prevent any such performance concern, or future maintenance, I recommend and do this on all copper to banana jack, wallplates and probaby the in ceiling connections. I will never have to worry about an electrical joint becoming a nuissance over time. I dont ever want to dismount speakers to clean connections in the humid place I live. You just skin the wire like normal and apply a dob to the exposed copper. Roll the drop into the strands with two fingers and give the connector a final snug with pliers. Bulletproof forever.