I have a friend who had a heart attack a couple years ago while cutting his grandfather's lawn. He is extremely physically fit, no bad habits etc. and he was at the ripe old age of 28. Yep, you heard me right, 28.

It ended up that he had "wolf white parkinson's syndrome" and had to have surgery to correct his heart arrhythmia.

Shortly after that, my sister was experiencing heart arrhythmias and had to go and see a specialist. They diagnosed her with " wolf white parkinson's syndrome" and she had to have two heart surgeries because the first wasn't successful. Basically she has an extra nerve firing which causes her to get a tachycardia. Although the second surgery which was around 5 hours (she was pretty happy that she beat my surgery after my accident by ½ hour LOL) wasn't successful either but thankfully she hasn't suffered from any more arrhythmias.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.