In addition to the above suggestion regarding M3s and M50s, I have a few more thoughts about speaker selection now that I've had a chance to listen to almost the entire Axiom line. These recommendations are to hit up to 104dBC "audibly cleanly" at MLP with minimal spend. None of this is scientific; it's my observations/notes:

A. Passives

1. For rooms less than 800 cu. ft., the M2s can be used without a sub.

2. For MLP <= 10 feet: M5 or M60 without a sub; M2 with a sub

3. For 10 feet < MLP <= 12 feet: M5 or M60HP without a sub; M2 with a sub

4. For 12 feet < MLP <= 15 feet: M80HP without a sub; M80 with a sub

5. For 15 feet < MLP <= 18 feet: M100 without a sub; M80HP with a sub

B. Active LFR1100

Use in any size room, when you want the highest possible spatial resolution. Use at MLPs greater than 18 feet.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated