Thanks, Charles. For discerning listeners, every little change makes an audible difference.

Since finding the active LFR sweet spot, I've made a couple of tweaks. I've pushed the TV and the 160 back to reduce diffraction. That made the soundstage deeper and tightened imaging around the center. Then I added two more of Trevor's panels to the front wall. That made imaging at the outer boundaries of the soundstage more aetherial and broadened those boundaries.

Still no need for Audyssey in two channel with three subs. I've become a real fan of these actives. I apologize to Ian and Andrew for cursing them as I endlessly tweaked for almost 4 weeks. Everything from hereonin is just my curiosity and nothing more.

I still very much enjoy the M2 system though. For those who just don't have the means, get the M2s, position them right and know that they are just as sublime as the actives.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated