If you go by the amount of audiophiles we've all been exposed to I would think men are more sensitive to sound. Rarely do you find women as obsessed with sound as us. They tend to look at us laughing and thinking we're nuts.
I do find older well educated women to not like bass at all. I think it has more to do with the types of equipment they have been used to. As subs weren't really a thing until the 90s.

I helped a family member set up one of my old HTIB systems in their living room to help with T.V. dialogue. Even with the sub totally down to zero now unplugged, My grandmother who is 93 hates it due to the amount of bass even with subs integrated then turned off. It's still to much for her. Considering her oldest son has been a performer since the 60s and she's been to more shows than most anyone in boomy halls. We all find it funny since it adds so much to the experience for us.