I figured out the workout routine for my next cycle. Based on how things went I added some more pulling movements specifically designed to target the biceps more. The routine is quite simple and looks like this:

A. Sumo Dead Lift / Incline Bench Press / Wide Grip Pull Up
B. Barbell Calf Raise / Flat Bench Press / Parallel Grip Chin Ups
C. Back Squats / Standing Shoulder Press / Close Grip Chin Ups
D. Barbell Calf Raise / Dips / Cable Rows

I’ll do this workout starting on Saturdays with Friday off so the split will look like: A, B, C, D, A, B, Off, C, D, A, B, C, D, Off, (Repeat). Each exercise will have one primary work set of 20-25 reps most done in a “Maximum Stimulation” (Max-Stim) style. This involves doing a rep then unloading the weight for 5-30 seconds depending on how heavy and reloading and doing another rep. It’s sort of half way between doing “Rest Pause” and “Singles” which allows the progression to heavy weights while maintaining a high rep count without having to manage using multiple sets or “Clustering.” In other words I should be able to do 20 reps with my 5 rep maximum in less time than if I tried to do 4 sets of 5. Additionally I will include one “Burn Set” of 15 reps for each exercise to enhance metabolic activity.

One exception is the Dead Lift. When they start getting hard to recover from doing 20 reps I will switch to pyramiding pushing for a higher 1 rep max each workout.

Each exercise will start the cycle at 60% of my 1 rep maximum progressing in 10lb increments (except the shoulder press 5lb) until I can’t progress any more which should be about 9 increments or 6 weeks. At that point I will switch to doing negatives or other techniques to continue progressing the load another 2 weeks or longer if I can.

Additionally I will monitor the progress of each body part and around the half way point add in addition specialization exercises for anything I feel is lagging behind.

This is only really a slight variation from my previous very successful cycle I just completed. Only real difference is switching from traditional set/reps to the Max-Stim style.

My goal is another 8lb of body weight while keeping my body fat under 10%.

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