Any of you guys gone the paleo route? I haven't swallowed the whole 'pill' but I'm going w/ the spirit of it for the past 2 weeks. Pretty much limited my beer intake to about 2 or 3 beers/week. No more grains/carbs, which is hard cuz I like my cheese and bread. No more processed foods, sugars, etc.

I've been eating a HUGE amount of protein to make up for the loss of carb volume. Lots of vegetables. We have a Sodastream soda maker at home so I use that to make plain soda water which curbs the beer thirst and 'some' of the snack desires. My breakfast is pretty much some version of 2 eggs w/ some other meat and a double espresso. Works great since it's carries me to my lunch time crossfit workout. Been having a lot of bun-less burgers, which turns out to be pretty easy, since removing the bun (and cheese, which I usually don't) makes it paleo.

I can't say if I necessarily feel better. BUT, when ever I have anything more than 1 serving of carbs (rice/tortillas/bread/etc) I feel bloated for the next few hours. W/o all the carbs, I tend to feel a bit lighter on my feet, more alert. I never did the Atkins years ago, too many bad stories. I saw WAY too many friends lose TONS of weight, only to gain it back and more since that was not a lifelong, sustainable diet.