After a couple of trips up and down the 'ol garage door I have to think our domestic snails would be a bit tough and stringy. Better a tropical snail that lounged on the beach its whole life.

Amie's question is a good one though...

EDIT -- didn't find anything conclusive in a quick search (other than a complaint from someone who "ordered escargot but was just served a bunch of snails in a styrofoam cup") but it appears to be a function of size. French snails grow relatively large but are very expensive, and there is a large & tasty breed of African snail which grows well in Asia (and is being raised commercially there) but doesn't seem to survive in Canada.

I bet our snails are just too small. There's probably a clever joke to be made but I just don't feel up to it today.

Last edited by bridgman; 11/15/06 03:43 AM.

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M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8