So tonight I made quite the mess. I needed to cut all of the blocking pieces that go between the joists. Normally, that it pretty easy, but since I have I-beams for joists, I had to basically cut out a "lap joint" on both ends of each blocking piece of 2x4. Keep in mind that there are 52 total pieces, and while most of them were either 19" or 18.75", there were 5 other sizes that needed to be cut.

So I got to it, cutting them all out. That was fun (not) considering that my workbench was torn down prior to the first inspection. So I am cutting on the floor.

I took an 8 foot length of R19 insulation, folded it over, and tried to make some level of padding for my knees.

So after a while I had this:
A nice collection of 52 pieces of blocking:

Next was the lap joints. How the heck was I going to do that? I had 104 to do, plus whatever testing pieces. Well, after some thought on using a jigsaw, or a circular saw, or even a table saw... I broke out my router and made a little jig... It doesn't need to last forever, so I just whipped it together in a few minutes.

End result is 104 (plus my 1 test) nice and perfect lap joints.

Remember that these are designed to rest on top of the bottom of the I-beam so that it is effectively recessed up into the ceiling joists, yet is down far enough that when I put up the clips and hat channel, the drywall will end up 1/2" below the actual I-beam joists for the decoupling.

Tomorrow night I will get them up as well as the clips and channel... Drywall gets delivered on Thursday afternoon, so I need to get things cleaned up in the basement to make sure that nothing is in the way of where they are going to "stock" the drywall.

Farewell - June 4, 2020