I can't agree with you more BigWill...


In reply to:

But why is it that his policies and tax cuts result in the tossing of nickles at the feet of us middle class folk while the top 1% get billions and billions?

A) I'm extremely middle class, I felt that I got a decent amount of money back from the gov. Want to know why the economy is recovering? Even if the middle class only got a few hundred dollars back, can you think of any of them that put it into savings? Hell no! We all went out and spent that extra money on something, which in turn fed the economy. Couple that with low interest rates and its pure genius (Reganonmics > all).

B) Ever stop to think that when the so called *rich* ppl seem to get back more perhaps its because they are taxed for more to begin with?

We need a damn FLAT tax in this country. Just because someone makes 6+ figures doesn't mean they deserve to be taxed at a higher rate. Furthermore, if you want to whine about how the *rich* tax evade behind deductions and such, well a flat tax would end all of that.

If you want socialistic polices please by all means move. There are plenty of other countrys out there for you. I for one would like to see this one remain based on capitalism. Every able bodied citizan needs to take care of their own damn self! NO HANDOUTS!

To be fair, I believe in smaller gov and thats one thing Bush hasn't been able to acomplish. He is by no means perfect, but he's the best we got right now, and overall I think he's done a pretty good job.