I've read a lot of this thread and have found it interesting. I have a few questions:

pmbuko: you spoke of a need to truly understand why Islamic fanaticism is directed at westerners and at the US, in particular. And that if we understand properly, we can then start to make peace with the Islamists. What are those reasons for the rise of militant/terror Islam? My opinion on the situation is rather simple: small groups of fanatics seek to manipulate power and politics around the world by using terrorism. It simply doesn't matter if their reasons are right and just. Their world is a world of anarchy and there must be negative consequences to terror acts around the world. There must never be positive consequences to terror. What those people did in Spain with their vote can only further the anarchist method of power attainment which is: terror.

The Chechens might have a legitimate gripe due to many years of Stalinist oppression and their ethinic authenticity/homogeneity but they should never be rewarded with their own state because their methods. I have never been more disappointed the US government than when I saw our position and comments after Beslan (our call for a diplomatic solution). Bush doesn't understand terror and Kerry understands it even less. Spain and France understand even less (France's pleas to save their journalists because they didn't support the war proves how clueless they are).

spiff: I thought the cycle of violence emerged once again when Arafat started the second Intifada after he refused the settlement proposed by Clinton/Barak? Am I wrong? If so, how?

Last edited by Riffman; 09/10/04 09:19 PM.