The short answer, Jorge, is Saddam had to go. The Ba'athist Nazi regime in Iraq was a "pre-existing condition" made intolerable after 9/11. Regimes like that cannot be tolerated anymore. The world is too small, such regimes, are simply too dangerous. Deulfer's report made it pretty clear that Hussein could have cranked up his WMD programs any time he wished, but certainly would have after the sanctions regime failed and the oil revenues started to roll in again. In case you forgot, the EU wanted to end sanctions so they could sell Hussein more weapons and dual purpose technology - France's only reservation about ending the sanctions was the Oil for Palaces scam they, the UN, the Russians, and Chinese were running on the world.

If you prefer Europe's foreign policy to ours, just see what good work they've done in Iran. They can be proud when Iran detonates its first nuke. France must still be smarting that the weapons grade fissile material reactor France sold to Saddam Hussein was destroyed by Israel in a preemptive air strike. France seems to be working with the Mullahs in Iran to make sure that they decentralize their nuclear efforts so they are not so vulnerable to such a strike.

Anyone surprised that France would not join us in Iraq? Anyone doubt that there is a war being waged against us?

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.