
If I'm understanding what I find out there on the Internet and that site I posted, the name associated w/ Bush's tax reform was "Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act" (EGTRRA, 2001). Take a look at this table siting the Tax Burden Distribution Pre & Post Tax Reform. If I'm reading this right, I see a grand in my pocket that the blood-suckers can't spend on their special interest-driven pork projects. If you look at this table, you can see the distribution of the benefit of that tax reform. Looking at both of these, it sure as heck doesn't look to me like the only ones receiving the benefit is the uber-rich. But then again, to tell this story in the true light would be less effective as a Democrat scare tactic. God forbid a Republican did something that benefitted all involved. Perhaps you should be asking yourself why your party skews the data so dramatically to suit their purposes. Then again, they have been doing that for years. Trust me, I used to buy into it hook,line, and sinker before I decided to check the facts myself and discovered the deception.