PMB, how can you seriously contend that there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein had no WMD? He used them!!! If he destroyed them all, then he was a fool for playing games with the UN inspectors. Hans Blix's boys needed total cooperation from Hussein because Blix's boys are the guys you call when you DON'T want to find something. Why cover up if there's nothing to cover up?

PMB, it amazes me that a person as intelligent as you obviously are would question the proposition that Saddam Hussein's Ba'athist Nazi police state would only get stronger and present a growing threat. Of course this proposition is true. The sanctions regime was collapsing - Saddam would have had the enormous revenues from sale of oil and the world would have demonstrated that it had neither the resolve or moral force to stop his expansionist criminal policies. Oh, did you forget Iraq invaded Kuwait and threatened to invade Saudi Arabia? Oh, I suppose Iraq's launching of dozens of SCUD missiles into Israeli neighborhoods doesn't foretell for you what the future with an oil rich Ba'athist regime in Iraq would have brought. You don't need a crystal ball for that one PMB, or you can play dumb and pretend everything would have been OK.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.