I am surprised that no one has mentioned the terrible effects of job-related stress.

Stress effects people differently. I lead a high stess life for 15 years and it burned me out.

My grandmother, on the other hand, survived the second world war in Germany as a jew, somehow mannaged to avoid concentration camps, stole food from the Russian army and laughed her ass of telling us about it when we were kids.

I now enjoy 8 hours of blessed sleap a night. If stuff dosn't get done, it dosn't get done. I managed to put myself in a job that I can leave behind completely every day. I am a mucho happy person now.

On all that food stuff, I'm surprised that Jason is about the only one that talked about veggies. I remember reading about some research where the diet consisted of fruit vegies and nuts period. Cholesterol levels in all the subjects dropped to low levels within two weeks of starting the diet and most reported having much more energy... and gas small nicks cuts and bruises also healed much more quickly. We need to have a high vegitable intake to get all those micro-nutrients and anti-oxidents that we need so much to remain healthy.

Now 'scuse me pfffft... I have a hankering for some carrots.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!