Any exercise is usually good exercise. The only time I’ve liked tennis is when I lived in West Africa and could pay a couple local kits 25 cents to chase balls which at my skill level was way to often. wink

Actually Therion is something I often listen to when working out. Metal and various EBM are great for workout music. The nice thing about working out at home is I don’t have to wear a “walkman” but can crank my Axioms. Since my one of my M80s and my EP500 are right near the double doorway into my workout room (suppose to be the master bedroom) I can feel the music instead of just listening to it. Much more motivating for workouts.

3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1