Right now we're looking at replacing all the HT Axiom gear. Was going to change out a few items but the problem is aesthetics. The old vinyl Boston Cherry vs. new wood veneer speakers, even with the same finish would not look identical.
It almost forces us to change out the whole thing. If so, we may as well look at the custom colours then eh?

Related to that, if we change things out, i'm planning on testing some A/B of M60 Ti vs M60 v4. I can also test out the EP350 v1 vs. EP500 v4. I don't think i'll test the VP150 vs. the VP180 because it is obvious there will be a huge difference in many things.

On an unrelated note, i just bought a pair of Monitor Audio Gold 50 (4G) for the office. I've been doing some listening vs. the Angstrom Legatos and Tannoy R1s. I won't bother posting much about the R1s, but the differences in the MA and Angstroms are very interesting.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."